Venom Chic




"Beauty is truth, truth beauty - that is all

Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know"






   She laughed and Tandy mellowed, he shrugged a smile. She was a bitch, callous, dangerous, a prowling lynx that tonight was on the hunt, but he admired her, she was the type of woman he designed for, she had style and she had sex appeal.

   She was in her sixties, but looked no more than thirty, her plastic surgeon had carved her well, just enough nicks and tucks to tighten without the glare of shock. Her upper chest was not suntanned yellow, but smooth and clear, blemish free. Her breasts were firm and her cleavage was exposed, raised high, he could see her nipples protrude beneath her black gown.

   She was a beautiful woman, he knew the work to create the illusion was immense. But he admired that, he admired women who worked on themselves, he admired women who stayed in for hours and emerged lipstick red, eyes marked as Cleopatras, skin smooth, the smell of creams and scents. He would notice when a woman was primed, not to attract a lover, to entice, but for their own self grandeur.

   Her hair was grey and shoulder length and in a certain light a shimmer of blue emanated. It was subtle and he wondered how the look could be created, he wanted to hold her up to the light, to move her like a diamond, to see the light flicker through the strands.

   All eyes would be upon her, even tonight among younger stunning stylised models, she stood out with the presence of the charismatic, he wanted to be close to her, to be in her wake, he fed off her, but he also knew he was going to be carrion in days to come, road kill to her pen and venom.

   He was angry with himself, he had failed her, he had failed women, when he should have been the inspiration. He was down to their level and they hated it. He was holding a mirror and they were responding at ugliness. They needed him at his genius best and as a consequence to make them beautiful, but he had failed and they were out for revenge.

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